Contact Us

Business Office Location:
7149 SC Hwy 391,
Prosperity, SC 29127

Main Gallery Location:
Palmetto Fine Arts
140E Amicks Ferry Rd, Chapin, SC 29036

Contact Us Directly

Thomas “TC” Bowers 
Partner, Custom Framer, Silhouette Designer

In the framing business since 2002, Thomas known as “TC,” puts his artistic touch of hand detailing each silhouette and ensures your purchase protected for years to come with custom cut frames for each silhouette. TC is also responsible for business to business relationship management and keeping the website up to date.
Robin Thompson
Partner, Laser Operator, Silhouette Designer

Operating lasers since 2006 and doing design work since 2009, Robin delivers a flawless cut and assists in hand detailing every silhouette. Robin is also responsible for marketing, managing business relationships, and helping customer with custom orders.